
At MinuteMe®, we are all about meetings. The two key terms we use relating to meetings are series and meetings.


A series is a collection of meetings around a specific topic/event/client. Typically the series is defined with a regular repeating/recurring schedule, however it is possible that meetings in the series don’t occur regularly, but are still related to the same topic/event/client. For example, “Weekly management meeting” or “Interviews for Office Admin”.

Series are created via the Add meeting buttons on the calendar dashboard and the series dashboard.

The series can have a regular meeting schedule (e.g. every Monday at 2:30pm), an ad-hoc meeting schedule, or a combination of both.


A meeting or single meeting is an instance or occurrence in a series - or just a one-off meeting - that occurs on a specific date, at a specific time, and specific location. For example, “Staff working from home” or “Interview with Bob Smith”.

Meetings are where you will spend the majority of your time entering data in MinuteMe - this is where the agenda, minutes and action items are added, and where you can make your private notes.

Meetings are created:

  • automatically by MinuteMe based on the repeating schedule defined in the series.
  • via the Add meeting buttons on the calendar dashboard and the series dashboard for ad-hoc and one-off meetings.
  • via the Add meeting button in the Meeting details page sidebar for ad-hoc meetings.

A meeting created as a single meeting can be converted to a series later by adding more meetings to it.

Meeting details page

The meeting details page is the primary interface with series and meetings. The key features are highlighted in the picture below.

Essentially, the left sidebar is the series including a list of each meeting in the series, and the right detail page is a specific meeting in the series.

Key features from the meeting


Workspace and category for this series. Click to return to the dashboard for this category.


List of meetings in this series.


Details of this meeting.


Menu tabs used for managing the topics, actions, documents and email activity for this meeting.


List of discussion topics for this meeting. Repeating topics (from the agenda template) are marked with a repeating symbol. Topics can be marked “complete” or “discussed” with the checkbox.


Create a PDF of the agenda or minutes for printing or sending to meeting attendees via email.


Private notes - searchable notes for your eyes only.

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